Auctions For Charity
ALL ending January 30th 2017
This organization donates 6% of all sold items to a variety of causes, instead of to brokers. The causes supported by this organization include Stray Rescue, St. Patrick's Center, Gateway Greening, Heat Up Saint Louis and others. All supported causes are in or around St. Louis, and have served to enhance the quality of life for many in the area.
The items being auctioned are owned by private individuals who would rather give a donation of 6% of the sale price, instead of a commission. The intended recipient for this donation is determined by both the donor (the owner of the item being auctioned) and by us, the friends of downtown.
The items being auctioned are owned by private individuals who would rather give a donation of 6% of the sale price, instead of a commission. The intended recipient for this donation is determined by both the donor (the owner of the item being auctioned) and by us, the friends of downtown.